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I am Viola Isabel Young. I am a freshman at Florida State University and am an Exploratory major who is considering Actuarial Science, Marketing, Advertising, or Mechanical Engineering. 


This website is part of my ENC 2135-141 class. On this website, I will answer blog posts regarding things that the teacher has posted, as well as use the site as a way to present the 3 projects that we have done in the class. To get more information on each individual project click on the different project tabs at the top of the page.


During the course of this class, everyone was supposed to lead the discussion once, give a mini-presentation, and write the log. While I did sign up to do all three things, on the official page that said who was to do what on what dates, I was only signed up for a mini-presentation and to lead the discussion. My mini-presentation has its own page for it to be seen, but due to time and other peoples mini-presentions, I never got the chance to lead the discussion. Since I never had the opportunity to lead the discussion there will be no tab with the information from that day.


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