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In project one, the prompt was to discuss the first community where I felt heard. For me, this was in a former community I was a part of. This community was my old Creative Writing program at my high school, Howard W. Blake. 



This first draft is really more so a stream of consciousness so that I could get all of my thoughts out and on to the paper before having to figure out what it was that I wanted to focus on for my final draft.

This is a word document of my second draft for my first project. In this draft I expanded on the detail that the first draft was really lacking on. I used this draft as more of a first draft, where I officially had ideas on the page that were coherent and made sense.

In this document I further explain why this was a place where I felt heard, and what about this place allowed me to feel heard. As well as briefly touch on the topic of how having had the experiences from that classroom have affected me as the person who I have grown into being. I also added more personal anecdotes to this final draft to make it more of a personal narrative instead of an essay

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