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For Project three the prompt was to get us (the students of ENC2135-141) to work in different genres. We were to create three different genres that would talk about whatever we wanted as long as it was related to our project two in some way, and so long as we presented the genres in appropriate ways. Meaning that students who made one of their genres be a flyer to promote their community, had to hang their flyer in an appropriate location, i.e. not on their bedroom wall but in a populated hallway. Many students went on to create flyers about their community as well as create social media accounts regarding their community. I decided to have my three genres be a pamphlet, a letter, and a thank you card. 

Before working on our respective projects we first had to present a one-minute elevator pitch. This draft is of the outline that I created before presenting, that outlines what it is I plan to say on the pitch. The pitch was given in class and we could not have notes while presenting. For this reason, I did not bother with writing a script and instead stuck to a vague outline that allowed me to have some wiggle room. 

This is my second genre, a pamphlet about the benefits of being Exploratory. Since it is a pamphlet, I do not go into much detail about the benefits. Instead, I focus more so on trying to show the big benefits of  Exploratory and to slightly comforting the reader by showing statistics that show it is not uncommon to be unsure about one's major should be. 

This is my letter to someone in the Exploratory department. In my letter, I discuss the need for an Exploratory club. The purpose of the club would just be to provide a safe environment where students can talk about the struggles that they are facing while trying to decide a major. I go on to describe how this type of club would be beneficial to both students who are exploratory as well as to students who are not exploratory.

In my third, and final genre I wrote a thank you card to the people that I shadowed. From my project two, it mentions how I had been planning to set up a date for shadowing actuaries to see if being an actuarial science major was something I would enjoy in the long term. On April 17th, 2018 I was able to shadow not just one actuarial but 5 different actuaries, all in different stage so their career. I included this as one of my genres because it heavily relates to my project two. It relates because in my project two I mentioned how there is a lot of extra work that exploratory majors have to do as to look up information about the different majors that they are considering. This Thank you card is a way of showing that exploratory students do actually have to put in a good deal of effort and work into deciding their major. 

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