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For this project the prompt was to research a community that we did not already belong to in order to create a research paper. We had to write  research proposal where we presented our  communities that we wished to learn more about and possible enter. From there we had to interview a person who was already a part of the community to gain first hand knowledge about the community. Finally we had to create an annotated bibliography that would provide information from peer reviewed topics about the community.

For my project 2, I used this as a chance to work on deciding a major, viewing the different majors as different communities. Due to time and length issues, my project 2 only focuses on one potential major, actuarial science. 

This is the 600 word annotated bibliography. Here I briefly begin to annotate my sources but do not go in depth, nor do I have all my sources yet. 

This is the 1100 word annotated bibliography. This is the final annotated bibliography, where I have all the sources and I go into detail about the sources and quickly summarize the main idea, describe how the source is related to the other sources as well as to my prompt, and state the strengths or weaknesses the sources possesses.

This is a polished draft of my interview summary with Krystal Graham. In this summary I tell of the main points of the interview where we discussed the actuarial science major, what it is and entails, the jobs it could lead to, and what could aid me in deciding if it's the right major for me.

This is my 500 word polished draft of project 2. In this draft I do not include any sources or much detail because at this point. I am simply deciding the layout of how all the ideas will be presented for the final draft. 

This is my 1000 word draft. Here I use more detail. This draft seems and feels closer to what the final draft will look like. This draft was used when meeting with the teacher, Mat Wenzel, where we discussed what could be added to improve the draft and to help reach the 2500 word count requirement of the final draft. 

This is my 2000 word draft. In this draft, I add details and begin to polish the text. Again in this draft, there are still no sources. The reason that there are still no sources is that I wanted to be sure that I had the base outline of what the paper would be talking about before adding the quotes.

This is my final draft. In this draft everything is polished and as it should be. This is where all of the ideas finally work together as they should, with sources and quotes. It is in MLA format, with the work cited on the last page that does not affect the required word count of 2500.

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