Chapter one of the Bedford Book of Genres, was essentially a review of everything that was covered on ENC 1101. This is to say that it covered the topics of things such as purpose, audience, genre, and rhetoric appeals. Considering the idea that odds are this class will build on ENC 1101 it makes sense that these items are being covered in the first chapter. Including the case studies helped to identify and see the different items that were talked about in the chapter. To see the different aspects in action and being used can help when trying to process and retain the information. This chapter’s goal was to help me understand the different aspects that should go into every composition that I should construct through out my life time. The chapter was, I think, able to accomplish this goal when it defined all the terms, explained how each one was used in writing, and then provided examples. However, I do not think that this chapter taught me anything new or even guided me to a self-realization about my writing. Though I am sure that will change through out the course of the class, at the moment it is no more than a review.